Joomla’s ease-of-use and extensibility have made it the most popular website software available. Because of its open-source nature, a community of worldwide users has emerged to support the Joomla! end-user. JoomlaDay is the premier gathering of these individuals, including web designers, site managers, and other Joomla users—from novice to experienced—for a day-long conference. JoomlaDay events are held throughout the world, with only one conference permitted to take place on any given day. This unique feature allows attendees to choose the JoomlaDay location and date of most convenience to them.
At JoomlaDay Chicago, industry presenters shared their expertise and passion for Joomla! and covered a wide variety of topics for both new and experienced Joomla users. Attendees have a professional, inclusive, and friendly environment with opportunities for broadening their knowledge, networking with the Joomla! community, and connecting with current and potential clients.
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