By JoomlaDay Admin on Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Category: Joomla News

Joomla 3.9.10 Release

Joomla 3.9.10 is now available. This is a bug fix release for the 3.x series of Joomla which addresses one bug introduced into 3.9.9, affecting template styles of multilingual web sites.

What's in 3.9.10?

Joomla 3.9.10 is fixing one bug introduced into Joomla 3.9.9 which affects the template styles of multilingual sites and results in lost data.

Please read this JDocs FAQ page to learn more about this issue and its fix.

IMPORTANT information for users who have already updated to 3.9.9 and faced this issue.
Due to a bad sql update, the template style mapping to content languages has been lost. Unfortunately, this is an unrecoverable error.
You must either:

We would like to take a moment to apologise to our users. 
Whilst we understand that a release which introduces a major bug is always serious - in this case the bug involved actual data lost from sites. This is a red line for us. We are going to go away and look at how we can improve our release and testing strategies and report back to our users when this is complete, detailing how we aim to improve in the future.

At this early point though we can confirm that this bug was introduced during the development of 3.9.9 and unfortunately was not picked up in the week between the 3.9.9 Release Candidate and the 3.9.9 stable release.


New Installations

Download Joomla 3.9.10
English (UK), 3.9.10 Full Package

New installation instructions and technical requirements

Upgrade Packages

Upgrade Packages
Joomla 3 upgrade packages

Note: Please read the update instructions before updating.
Remember… Please clear your browser's cache after updating.
Found a bug? Report it on the Joomla Issue Tracker.
Questions? See the documentation wiki for FAQ’s regarding the 3.9.10 release.

Official Announcement
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