Joomla World Conference (JWC) will be held in London, UK, from November 8th to 10th, 2019. The Conference will bring the brightest Joomla minds together to share their experiences, connect with others, and learn more about Joomla and its community.
What is JWC?
"Joomla! World Conference (JWC) is an annual user conference aimed at users of the award winning Joomla! content management system. Joomla! powers over 3% of the entire world's websites and is used by individuals, multi-national corporations, governments and charities to serve and manage their online presence in an efficient, flexible and expandable way. With over 10,000 extensions to further extend Joomla! capabilities as well as a support network of thousands of developers, integrators and designers, the JWC is the place to be to meet, learn, share and connect." -
The Joomla World Conference (JWC) started in 2012 and is in a different venue/city each time around the world. This three-day conference will include a mix of keynotes, presentations, workshops and sessions. Each JWC is brought to you by a team of volunteers and the Joomla! Project. Joomla!® is the trademark of Open Source Matters, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Details are still forming. For more information: